Wednesday, February 08, 2006

unfortuntely alive

It's just a freaking decision between a notebook and a desktop.... yet, something as simple as this is causing me so much pain and anguish.... is it really worth it?

why can't he jsut give me enough money to get a good and reliable laptop, instead of leaving me hanging in the middle of no where.... or better, just get one for me..... save me the trouble that I am currently facing right now

my head is hurting like hell and I feel faint.... my emotions are driving me crazy.... driving me back into the realms of insanity......

I know I shouldn't be like this.... I know it's not worth it.... but it has passed the point of any control..... and amount or means of controlling the furry building up within me.....

calm down! chill!
but i can't....
I can't stop spinning and feeling destructive....
all I know is thee raging need to destroy everything in sight! especially myself.... especially the body.. the empty shell made of flesh in which my soul once resided.

the pain... the anger... the hatred....
still breathing and kicking.....
unfortunately still alive....

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