Thursday, February 23, 2006

it's all about money, isn't it?

Talk about student welfare, pastoral care, close-knit community, yeah right.....

All they know is up the price of this, add additional charges to that. First, it's the increase in meal prices last year, then it's increase in room rental, now, you're charging us extra for internet connection even though we already have faculty allocated quata? Even though we are considered staying on campus, so to say....?

What's next? Extra charge for linen change? For usage of the facilities? might as well we move out! better room, more privacy, cheaper rental!

Sigh... I really don't know if it's me talking or my anger talking due to lack of sleep, jet lag, blah blah blah.....

On another note, called C today and he says that it's up to me if I still wanna see him and that for the time being, just settle down and see how everything goes... Which is a, good thing!

Time flies... 3 months and I am back here once again....

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