Sunday, February 26, 2006

Too bad, you're got records....

I know people ask because they cared, because they are worried about you, but then again, is it really that sad that once a person is said to have some sort of a problem, the label stays forever?
No wonder the stigma still exist... there we are saying that it's the sufferers who are too scared to come out of their closet, too embarassed to accept the fact that they are not well, but what do we have on the other end? people surrounding them keep asking them if everything is ok, if the job is too hard for them... it's unlikely that they will ever be treated on par with everybody else, how then can they feel accepted? when they've never been viewed beyond their pain and their problems?

too bad, honey, you've got records and their here to stay for a long long time...

we didn't ask to be like this, we appreciate that you care, but don't see us as weaklings who need assistance, let us have some space to see ourselves as normal healthy people for once. is that too much to ask?

but then, perhaps it is...
sigh... i don't know...

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