Thursday, April 06, 2006

one step at a time....

yea... just one tiny step at a time and soon I'll reach my goal... the hardest part is not the walking... it's making the first step... taking the big leap into the unknown and trust that you'll be alright... that's the hardest....

the music is soothing... comforting even.... it stills time... calms an anxious mind, heals a broken heat... yes, the power of songs... of music... of sounds made to go in a particular sequence, in a way that it is like candy floss to the ears...

well, at least the types of music that I like are....
yes... I still have likes... yes, I am not loosing hope....
though loosing grip of reality is no child's play.... at least it's not as devastating as loosing all hope and faith that this too shall pass one day, someday......

tears can never wash away my pain..... that's what I've learnt thus far... it can't and it won't....
tears exists only to remind us of our emotions... to remind us that we're human after all...
to act as a healing tool that helps in the healing... but it'll only work if there is someone using it....
it'll only help in the healing process, we are the ones that need to initiate THAT process in the first place....


so much to say, so much to write down.... yet, when too much seems too little.. and when minimal seems overwhelming, that's when you'll know that it's time to get help.... to save ourselves from futher drowning in the deep sea of insanity....

whoever said that life is easy and that we're the ones that made it hard is a liar! Life is heard to start with... and it gets hearder and harder as we go on further in life.... when we keep staying alive... life didn't get any easier with time... we just got better at coping, it's jsut us that got better at living life.... it's in all human's nature to be manipulative.... cause it's nature's gift to us... as a coping mechanism to enhance our chances of survival in this cruel harsh world call reality in the realms of our own dreams and aspirations.. in this thing called "life".....

I know this is just utter babbling without any signs of coherence... but I don't care... cause it's what I call feelings... emotions.... see, I'm still very much alive....
not my usual self.. but me nonetheless....

I'm still me....
though no longer intense and sudden are mt emotions....
though no longer flying sky high are my dreams....

I am still me....
still me nonetheless

and I treasure being me

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