Wednesday, August 30, 2006

and so you think that the demons have left?

no, they haven't, probably never will either...
it's not me overcoming them... but rather, living at peace with them...
and yes, I still get the attacks now and then... and they are still as real as it can get... and it still hurts each time they come... hurts so much...

this fluctuation, my momentary insanity...
I hate it, hate it so much... yet, it's there...

perhaps I have none other to blame but myself and my own stupidity...
perhaps I should have accepted whatever C suggested and stop complaining and stop asking questions that no one has any answers to anyway...

why has it happened? I don't know, he doesn't know... no one knows...
should I jsut accept it? I jsut feel as if something really is missing... but what??

hate this fluctuating moods... hate it simply too much... but yet, I cna't really do anything, can I?
nothing but sit and wait and ride it through...

I wish i can cry...

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