Friday, March 10, 2006

flying sky high

I know I query a lot.... about things, about unnecessary things, people used to tell me...
but is this nice feeling that I am currently feeling... is it normal?

it's funny how sometimes due to the fact that I've been so used to feeling down, I really can't differentiate feeling happy or hyper any more...

going at the speed that I am currently going, is it normal? I really don't know...
all that I know is that it is an unfamilliar feeling, but it is a nice feeling....
but I am also aware of the possibilities of being worn out soon at the rate that my mind is racing now... ideas kept flowing in... there is so much that I want to do... so much that I want to be part of... feels like I have jsut woken up for the first time to life....

is it really ok? this speed?

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