Sunday, June 10, 2007


been having two very productive days studying for my upcoming counselling paper... ironic isn't it? I'm studying counselling yet I have also been a client for the past 8 years... Looking on the bright side, the concepts appears easier to understand through real life experience =)

I miss Val, I guess, it'll never be the same again... the impact of suicide... it cripples people... then again, it made me think... I mean, people will grieve for one week, one month, one year? then what? you hurt those who are the most beloved to you and yet for others, they one remember you as a part of the statistic of the many young people who took their own lives....

I don't want to be a statistic... neither do I wish to have anyone else I know be part of it anymore! It hurts, it really does... and so so very much!

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