Saturday, May 13, 2006

I'm tired... it's all coming back....

help me .... please... it's all flooding my mind... finding it hard to breathe... it's coming at me... and I really don't know what to or what not to do anymore... moodswings... I am now in my deepest of moods.... I feel rotten... my insides are decaying..... slowly... but surely... I cannot keep up with this... it's driving me crazy... I need someone to get me out of this... please... anyone.. I cna't do it alone... i want to leave everything behind me... it's too much... too much things in my head... I cna't think.. I can't function as I should... I am nothing... nothing but a soul-less shell... housing a decaying soul... broken... shattered... into a million tiny little pieces that is fated to not be patched back... I'm slowly dying... emotions overwhelming... please... I seek refuge from anyone who is willing to provide an asylum for my insane mind... anyone at all... no matter.... just need an immediate release right this instant... noone understands... no one comprehends... don't blame them... to feel this much yet feel nothing..... dwelling in the eternal darkness that I've created... that I am created in... help me... despairing thoughts wouldn't leave me the hell alone... I jsut want to feel at peace with everyhting... I seek nothing but a release... I don't want to give up.. but finding strenght to carry on seems to be something that exits only in dreams and nowhere else... I can't... I can't I can't go on like this... not like this.... help me.... help me.... help me.... help me... help me.... help me... help me.... help me... help me... help me..... help me.... .......

I'm loosing grip of sanity...
I am loosing me....

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