Friday, June 17, 2005


Dr. C called me yesterday, just to ask how am I doin... funny.... perhaps he is much different than the others than I thought he is. perhaps, he is here for me as an angel... perhaps, chances are meant to be given... perhaps, it's okay to trust again.... perhaps....

last night, could not sleep again... CM had flew back home, so has EK.... this sunday will be HW and next will be A. seeing all of them leaving simply breaks me apart.... being reminded that I am different is bad enough.... knowing that I really wanna go home and yet have to pretend that I don't want to and be strong, it's worst...

falling behind time... psych test is on monday and I am not even half prepared... seems like everytime I try to be better, try to do my work... try to put i effort, I don't get anywhere... sigh...

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