Friday, October 13, 2006

i want out....

it's getting painful... and i really don't feel like dealing with it, though i know it will pass... it'll just return yet once again to me.... i hate this feeling that i am feeling now... it's not passing... it's just getting stronger and stronger with each passign minute and i am scared... so scared and alone.... left to my own devices....

i feel so tired of everything...

i don't know what am i feeling...

I know what i have to do in times like this.. but i don't feel like doing...

I jsut want out...

I want out.....

help me... anyone...

I know i am sounding whiny and all... but i really really question my own sanity right now...


Anonymous said...

hey, I feel like that, too
MSN me if you like or send me an email or leave me a msg on my LJ
are you seeing a pdoc?

Anonymous said...

for anxiety, I take clonazepam (Klonopin), same as HB
I used to take alprazolam (Xanax), too
I take Lamictal (Lamotrigine) as a mood stabilizer
I'm bipolar II has a lot of good info and reports from people who actually use the meds, not just doctors or drug companies that don't really know what they're talking about
They have a forum that is useful, but they're kind of snappy and not really all that I recommend just browsing instead of posting right away...

Easytheme said...

yea, I am seeing a pdoc...
well, I just added you to my msn.. see ya there...


Anonymous said...

okay, ttyl then!
in the meantime, stay cheery!