Sunday, August 12, 2007

referring on...

saw a clinical psych specializing in self harm and BPD yesterday.

I'm pretty screwed up hey...


it wasn't a mistake...

I've always been so afraid of abandonment, of being pushed away by those few that I trust... but was I not the one pushing people away instead? I have indeed been selfish... for being who i was, for repeating something which I've vowed not to repeat...

I did it again...

yes, I can give all sorts of reasons saying that I was in such great deal of pain, that life seems so tiring and such... but then, didn't I hurt when Val left? didn't her premature departing left me wounded by a gash so big that it will take years and years to come in order ofr me to even achieve a sense of healing?

so how could I have thought of even doing it to my friends and all those that I so dearly love and care about?

perhaps this should keep me alive...

then again...

I've been stupid again...