and I'll enjoy this wonderful feeling as much as i can....
I thought he'll stop seeing me, stop treating me... felt that I was going to be abandoned for being too friendly... didn't even see it coming.... but then, in the end, it was only a reality check for him... nothing to do with me.... all for caring me more than as a patient, rather as a relative, a niece perhaps....
it's a nice feeling, yet it carries along it a subtle sense of sadness... nice to know I am cared for... but it's sad to also know that this "caring" would one day end.... and I would just have to accept it as reality in life and just relish in the fact that I was once cared for by a very very kind angel sent from above....
we went through the many possible "diagnoses" that have came my way... for the first time, it was plain talk, straight, direct and simple....
and i pulled through, survived it and came out smiling....